• +39 0141 203525
  • info@alimentari3c.com
  • "Prodotti artigianali realizzati con ingredienti di altissima qualità e naturali..." Continua >

  • "La forma di grissino più antica e tradizionale è indubbiamente il robatà..." Continua >

  • "Il filone di pasta viene tagliato in piccole porzioni che vengono stirate a mano come si faceva una volta..." Continua >

  • "Composte da pochi e semplici ingredienti, sono divenute nel tempo una naturale alternativa a pane e grissini..." Continua >

  • "Dall'antica tradizione dello spuntino fatto con una semplice fetta di pane..." Continua >

Information about the processing of personal data pursuant to D. Lgs. 196/2003.

According to art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 Alimentari 3C s.r.l. will proceed to the processing of data provided by you in compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.
When filling out the form, your personal information will be used, mainly in automated mode, to create a mailing list of people interested in knowing more about Alimentari 3C s.r.l.'s activities and products for the periodic sending, also by email, of informative material and of updating: the subjects who will know theese data will be the holders of Alimentari 3C s.r.l. and / or alternatively companies specifically assigned. In any case, your data will not be disclosed or sold to third parties.
You have the right to exercise, at any time, the rights under art. 7 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 to obtain access, modification, deletion of data or to oppose their use. To exercise the rights provided for in art. 7 del D. Lgs. 196/2003, will have to write to Alimentari 3C s.r.l. via Bruno Buozzi n. 45, 14100 Asti or alternatively to the email address info@alimentari3c.com.

Information about use of cookies

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the smooth operation of the procedures and improve navigation experience. This document provides detailed information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, how we use them, and how to handle them.
Cookies are code snippets that are automatically installed during navigation. They are used to save information of various types, in order to improve user browsing experience. They differ depending on the type of information you are handling: some cookies are required for proper site delivery or useful for your personalized enjoyment; In this case, their inhibition may compromise some site features.

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